Gathering of eagles 9th November 2023 in the Ampitheatre of Renaissance Orlando Airport hotel Florida. Free hotel shuttle from Orland International MCO. Call 321 495 7595 just $10 registration and limited places available.
Dr Peter gammons will be sharing on building a global ministry Pastor Robert Tilton will be sharing on hoi he built one of america’s largest mega churches and TV ministry. Prophet David woods will share how he built radio station across 100+US cities.…
Need a seed to reprint my 40 books. $77. $successnlife123 Cash app or PayPal it on line RobertTilton.Com ..I only had a small few. The rest were all lost for over 3 years .. when we left our beautiful home in California .. I found the lost box yesterday while getting rid of the old possessions in our storage units to make room for the new glory. .. it had been mixed in other boxes. “Sow a seed for anything lost today” .. to be found. I am happy. I had been mourning over the loss. But now I am being comforted. . This is all that is left what you see . “They that sow in tears shall …
Read MoreNeed a seed to reprint my 40 books. $77. $successnlife123 Cash app or PayPal it on line RobertTilton.Com ..I only had a small few. The rest were all lost for over 3 years .. when we left our beautiful home in California .. I found the lost box yesterday while getting rid of the old possessions in our storage units to make room for the new glory. .. it had been mixed in other boxes. “Sow a seed for anything lost today” .. to be found. I am happy. I had been mourning over the loss. But now I am being comforted. . This is all that is left what you see . “They that sow in tears shall reap …
Read More
Announcement.. yesterday. I bought an hour on The Word Network A $1,500. Value. To teach how to live in Christ Abundance starting with salvation. Finishing with “Charting Your Course in Life by the Dream in your heart”.. this is apart of our Co-Evangelism.program. This network is the largest African American network in the world reaches 200million people in most all countries world wide. I Need someone who would like to sponsor it weekly. All of it or part of it. If The Lord asks you to help. Pls contact me on messenger This is urgent. Also all who respond during the broadcast these people will be your family tree of life affiliates for ministerial compensation if you desire. Please help …
Talking about My Girl …Feed the Homeless. Cheseburgers in Paradise. So today. This Morning Maria says to me. The Lord spoke to me when i woke up He Commanded me to go feed the Homeless today. I said Ok She said let’s go to McDonalds snd buy 20 cheese burgers snd fries. Ok. Take to bus station snd Library downtown. Ok. I dropped her off she went about handing out. I slowly drive car as she walked. She got back in. She says to me I did what God said To do .. It’s a test for greater things to come Are you listening. Give It will be given back. His eye is on the sparrow how much more on …
. .. She says.
Her Faith talks to her !
I said. What did Faith say ? …
Faith says you have what you believe Now Today .. She tells me to go get it .. Now Today. !! Go get what her faith says We have. Any bikes ? What is your Faith Saying to You ?? Tell me text me and say it to me I will agree with you !!!! Faith will create it for you !!…
Two kinds of Faith. #1. Believing with your head. Natural faith. Mankind. The other kind # 2. Believing with your Heart spiritual faith. God kind Spiritual faith is Now faith is the substance of things hoped for now you have what things yea desire now today !! You have it. Bible faith heart faith brings things hope for into reality By believing in your heart & confessing with your mouth with action releases your riches in glory into the earth Christ in you Christ is nigh you in your mouth and in your heart that is the word of faith.…
Read MoreCONT- People dug their own wells in order to avid tapping into the wells of others (This is a word for someone) you do not have to tap into another persons well; you can dig your own)
Isaac set out to unstop the wells the Philistines had filled with dirt. I like his attitude he did not cry because the enemy had stopped up his supply, he probably said the same way I dug and opened one well (one business) Ill start another
Isaacs servants also dug two new wells however the enEmy strove with Isaacs men saying the water was theirs. both times Isaac abandoned the wells to dig others. Im sure it would have been easy for Isaac …
Read MoreThe bible is full of people whom God has prospered in every area of life. One example is Isaac ion Genesis. When Isaac was facing a famine, The Lord appeared to him and confirmed for Isaac the same covenant he had made with Abraham (Genesis 26:3).
God showed Isaac where to sow and he received a hundred fOld return in the middle of the famine (Genesis 26;12) When you listen to God he shows you where to sow. Unfortunately some people continue sowing in famine areas when God is endeavouring to direct them to new places that will produce.
The bible says Isaac grew until he became very great with many possessions of flocks herds and servants. Because the philistines …
Read MoreJesus said that as long as you keep your eyes on him and rely on his Word, all you can see is life- and exciting abundant fulfilling life,
While faith and the word of God take the limits of God. Hard work and diligence take the limits of yourself, in fact God will not prosper a lazy, slothful person, instead he is doomed to failure (Proverbs 12;24; 21;15 LB).
On the other hand if you are a diligent person you will pay tythes and put God first, asa result of fulfilling your part of the covenant with God you ill be rewarded with the desires of your herart. promotions on your job, pay increases in spired ideas or plans for …
Read MoreWhat do you have in your house your heart .. your mind. Your hand Lots of Doers are making millions using their cell phone ,,, Everyone has ideas But few do anything with them ..poor thinking habits Never do anything with your inspired ideas.
Read MoreIf you need Bread at the Midnight Hour .. Wake up the “Great I Am in You” The Bread of life .. Jesus Christ in You the Hope of Glory The Bread Provider Multiplier at the midnight Hours . Luke 11:5-13 Ask Seek Knock Be Persistent ..Don’t Waver Don’t Doubt the Greater one in You any amens. Go to and cast your bread on the water ,, it will return and accomplish and prosper in the thing you sent your seed faith to do. Word if Faith church. Po 22066 Tulsa ok 74121
I am a Gold Miner .. mining the Gold of God .. Christ in You. His Riches of His Glory manifesting through you when you rise up Early and start doing the word. Stretch forth your withered hand He did what Jesus said to do. God will tell you what to do with your stretched faith. Stretch your faith into your full potential as Gods Child Big things are happening at Word of Faith Church and Successnlife Club. Go on line get my free ebook. Charting your course by the Dream in your heart. $19.95 value free. Just heard this be Flexible today…