Sandra Ornelas today on the Robert Tilton show
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“Jesus is Alive!”
with Guest Host
Sandra Ornelas
Aug. 18, 2021
11:00 pm PST / 1:00 pm CST / 2:00 pm EST
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Amazing testimony just came in…
“On miracle Sunday, you said someone got news from their doctor about amputation, tonight is your day then you stood in front of me and said ‘there was a man with a Withered hand, and Jesus said (you yelled pastor) stretch your hand Forth’. Luke 6:10 and my whole withered arm was made whole, I pray you recall that day, my arm was going to be amputated. You never touched me, you spoke the Living Word.
I have the marks of the operations that were made to repair the damage done, to no avail, then a man named Tilton obeyed Released the Live Story, ‘Word’ and i got a new arm elbow and hand. Pastor Tilton if I forget to say Thank You, Thank You for obeying. He is the same yesterday, today and forever, let it be done on Earth as it is in heaven. I take stand amen”
~Sandra Ornelas
Blessings to you Sandra for coming back to say thank you Jesus.
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The Angel of God spoke to Cornelius and said… Your Prayers and Alms / Offerings have come up before God as Memorial Gifts.
Acts 10:31
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Robert Tilton
Senior Apostolic Pastor