Unlimited Unwavering Faith
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The Earth is your inheritance ..your domain for dominion from God.. possess it. Life without Limits I’m teaching on unlimited faith unwavering faith. Faith is taking dominion in the Earth Faith is stepping out of yourself mankind .. into God kind Did you get that. Faith is stepping into Christ Jesus name Have this mind set.. that was in Christ David killed the giant Goliath in Jesus name of the Lord Get over it into the new creation you are now Christ If you believe this help me and Jesus. Tell more people. PO 22066. Tulsa ok 74121 Or go to RobertTilton.Com. To use your bank card. You donation releases heavens blessings.
Unlimited Unwavering Faith.
Today at church me and Jesus are speaking on being “Rich in Faith”. If so… you can get whatever you want with faith. That all things are possible.
According to the power of Gods ability that is working in you, If faith Is the creative ability of God .. then you can write your own ticket with God. David did, Joshua & Caleb did.
Divine transfer of Gentiles wealth into control of Righteous. Don’t be distracted by current events Believing is Receiving & achieving your dreams.
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