Word of Faith Broadcasting Net
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Announcement.. yesterday. I bought an hour on The Word Network A $1,500. Value. To teach how to live in Christ Abundance starting with salvation. Finishing with “Charting Your Course in Life by the Dream in your heart”.. this is apart of our Co-Evangelism.program. This network is the largest African American network in the world reaches 200million people in most all countries world wide. I Need someone who would like to sponsor it weekly. All of it or part of it. If The Lord asks you to help. Pls contact me on messenger This is urgent. Also all who respond during the broadcast these people will be your family tree of life affiliates for ministerial compensation if you desire. Please help me and Jesus in this present need. This will be your seed into others and will come back into your life and needs I’m praying Gid will touch your heart. I have a message from heaven. I will be your Co- Evangelist. for you. I need to start paying today it starts next Wednesday. My Email Tiltonsuccess@gmail.com I will call you back. And explain everything. This is very exciting. It can be your tithes. If you are already going giving you us it needs to be above regular budget. Step out of the boat with me.